Safe & Effective Therapies
At the Spine and Sport Center, we offer Chiropractic techniques for the entire family. Helping your children to grow and function optimally is a huge honor and not something we take lightly. Dr. Christin is our specialist in the field of Pediatric Chiropractic. Dr. Christin offers Chiropractic treatments that are safe and effective for newborns, infants, children and teens. Dr. Christin's expertise in the Webster Technique also lends itself to Chiropractic during pregnancy including the pre-natal and postpartum cycles. Chiropractic care is also useful in the treatment of scoliosis in teens and pre-teens.
We understand that experience matters when it comes to your precious family members. Dr. Christin has had over 200 hours of advanced study in Pediatric Chiropractic. Her certification in the Webster Technique allows her to offer effective Chiropractic during pregnancy and beyond. You can have peace of mind knowing that your child is in the hands of a Pediatric Chiropractic expert; and that their mother will be expertly taken care of as well.
Dr. Christin’s Specialties Include:

Frequently Asked Questions
YES. Dr. Christin utilizes The Webster Technique - a Chiropractic technique that balances the muscles and ligaments of the pelvis. This reduces tension in the uterus and offers more room for the developing baby. This can improve the likelihood of natural delivery and to prevent breech births and the need for caesarian-sections in some individuals.
Don't wait until you're extremely uncomfortable or in pain to seek care.
It is safe to start Chiropractic during pregnancy as soon as the second trimester (typically around or before 20 weeks).
Craniosacral therapy is a form of bodywork that uses gentle touch to palpate and manipulate the bones of the skull, face, jaw, and pelvis. This therapy is extremely relaxing and has no known side-effects. It is particularly effective in the treatment of headaches and migraines in adults. In babies it is most often used to correct skull deformities and latching problems during breast feeding.
Having your child evaluated should occur as close to their delivery date as possible. In our clinic we have evaluated newborns as young as three days old. Its never too soon to seek the opinion of an expert on how Chiropractic can benefit your newborn.
Things to look for that Pediatric Chiropractic or Craniosacral Therapy for babies can help with:
- Torticolis (head tilt)
- Ear Infections
- Favoring one side
- Post tongue tie revision
- Latching Issues (pain, poor latch, "chomping" while nursing)
- Colic or overly fussy baby
- Excessive Spitting Up
- Developmental Milestones or "Failure to Thrive" (Sitting, Rolling Over, Crawling, Walking)
- Digestive Issues
- Sleeping Difficulties
- Minor Falls
Dr. Christin Hinzman
Family & Pediatric Chiropractor
We are proud to have Dr. Christin Hinzman D.C. as a member of our Colorado Springs team. Dr. Christin’s passion revolves around helping newborns, infants, and children express the highest levels of health through Pediatric Chiropractic. Dr. Christin additionally provides expert Chiropractic care during pregnancy to expectant mothers.